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What's The Best Workout Routine To Build Muscle

Before you learn about the best workout routine to bulk up, you should know a few things:


  1. Cardio is very important to keep your cardiovascular activity high. It helps to build the stamina that you will need during your strength training. However, for muscle building, burning more calories won’t do you any good. It’s best to limit your cardio sessions to non-lifting days for half an hour each week.


  1. Apart from that, you also need to change your diet if you need to bulk up. Eat more calories and keep protein as the highlight of your breakfast, lunch, and dinner. You should also eat most of your carbs before and after your workout sessions to use them effectively and prevent most of them from turning into fat in your body.


  1. If you’re serious about bulking up you can’t abandon or modify this routine. Otherwise, you may not get desirable results.

Workout for muscle building

This routine is made of supersets of a pair of exercises with a rest period for recovery in between.

Week 1

Day 1


Superset A:


  • 5 reps of barbell back squat for 3 sets.
  • Rest for 1 minute.
  • As many reps as possible of chin-ups for 2 sets.
  • Rest for 90 seconds before you move on to the next superset.


Superset B:


  • 8 to 12 reps of dumbbell bench press for 2 sets.
  • Rest for 1 minute.
  • 10 reps of dumbbell single-arm row on each arm for 3 sets. As you reach the top of each rep hold a 2-second pause and after each set on each arm don’t overdo the rest period.
  • Rest for 1.5 to 2 minutes before you move on to the next superset.


Superset C:


  • 12 to 14 reps of barbell straight-leg deadlift for 3 sets.
  • Rest for a minute or less if necessary
  • 10 reps of cable core press on each side for 3 sets. Rest when alternating sides only if necessary
  • 5 to 2 minutes of rest before moving on to the next exercise


Superset D:


  • 40 yard carries of dumbbell farmer’s workout for 3 sets
  • Rest for 1 minute between each set


Day 2


Superset A:


  • 5 reps of barbell bench press for 3 sets.
  • Rest for 1 minute
  • Do as many reps of chin-ups as possible for 2 sets. You can also do the band-assisted version if you can’t do the regular chin-up.
  • Rest for 90 seconds before you move on to the next superset


Superset B:


  • 8 reps of trap bar deadlifts for 3 sets
  • Rest for 1 minute
  • At least 8 reps of dive bomber push-up for 3 sets
  • Rest for 1.5 to 2 minutes


Superset C:


  • 12 to 14 reps of dumbbell goblet squat for 3 sets
  • Rest for 2 minutes or less
  • At least 5 reps of barbell bent-over overhand-grip row for 3 sets. At the end of each rep pause of 2 seconds
  • 5 to 2 minutes of rest before the next superset


Superset D:


  • 8 or more reps of dumbbell reverse lunge for 2 sets
  • Rest for a minute between each set


Day 3

Superset A:


  • 5 reps of sumo deadlift for 3 sets.
  • Rest for 1 minute
  • 8 reps of single-arm landmine press on each arm for 2 sets
  • Rest for 90 seconds before you move on to the next superset


Superset B:


  • 8 or more reps of barbell front squat for 3 sets
  • Rest for 1 minute
  • 10 reps of single-leg hip thrust with shoulders on the bench for 3 sets
  • Rest for 1.5 to 2 minutes before you move on to the next superset


Superset C:


  • 13 or more reps of close grip bench press for 2 sets
  • Rest for 1 minute
  • 10 or more reps of barbell bent-over underhand-grip row for 3 sets
  • Rest for 1.5 to 2 minutes before you move on to the next superset


Superset D:


  • 20 reps of face pull for 2 sets
  • Rest a minute between each set

Week 2

For days 1 to 3 in Week 1 add one set to each exercise in superset A for Day 1 to 3

Week 3

Additional set over Week 2 to the same supersets for the same days

Week 4

Additional set over Week 3 to the same supersets for the same days

Week 5

Same as Week 1, except a heavier load for each exercise in superset A for Day 1 to 3. Increase the load progressively for the upcoming weeks.

Week 6

Same as Week 2

Week 7

Same as Week 3

Week 8

Same as Week 4